miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

The Zionist Ashkenzi Ballast

The Ashkenazi-Zionist ballast
By Mon González

Further to the article on the Saudi wahabi ballast, comes this article on the second ballast that is working behind the scenes against progress in the Middle East.

1. Birth of Zionism and Balfour Declaration

The historical background of this second Zionist ballast flows very much parallel to the wahabi ballast. 1902 was the year when Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud had started conquering Riyadh. 1902 was the year when Theodor Herzl, a Hungarian writer and politician, who was an Ashkenazi Jew, published a novel called “Altneuland” –a German title which in English means “Oldnewland”- and where he portrayed as lyric fiction the political ideas of building a new State for the Jews in Palestine, which he had already put pen to paper in his book “Judenstaat” (“The Jewish State”) published in 1896 in Leipzig (Germany), and which can be considered the theoretical backbone of modern Zionism. On the basis of that set of ideas the first Ashkenazi Jews took their arms and started their first incursions into Palestinian land, the first aliyahs, at the beginning of the XX century.

In 1917, when it was already clear that Germany was losing the First World War (WWI); that it was UK who was in the winning side, and thus it was UK the country that needed to be lobbied; an Ashkenazi British Zionist Jew, Baron Walter Rothschild, who is described to us in History books as being at the time “the leader of the British Jewish community”, wrote to the then British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, asking for the support of the British Government for their cause: Herzl’s Zionist cause of creating a Jewish State in Arab Palestine, at the time still part of the Ottoman Empire. The then Foreign Secretary answered in a letter dated 2 November 1917 addressed to Baron Rothschild (for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), that: “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object”. This letter has been dubbed “The Balfour Declaration”. Although the British Jewish Community was originally formed by Spanish and Portuguese Sephardic Jews who had come from Iberia, and had thus formed in 1760 the Board of Deputies (which to these days still is the main representative of Jewry in the UK), throughout time the vested interests of Ashkenazi Jewry have managed to have the upper hand in British Jewry, when Zionist interests so commanded, and thus Rothschild’s letter. The same strategy of lobbying and manipulating has been done by the Ashkenazi Zionists also elsewhere, even in the Middle East in the XX century. Let’s see how.

2. Zionist-Wahabi Alliance in the Middle East to hide the truth about Asir

UK and France had had a common enemy to fight during WWI: Germany. After the end of WWI, the clashes between UK and France started again in the post-Ottoman scenario. UK had put in 1918 Faysal I as King of Damascus and Gaza (with the intention of gradually fulfilling, in part of that territory, the promise made to the Ashkenazi Zionist Jewry a year earlier). France, on its part, found it unacceptable to have a King in Damascus under UK influence, as it clashed with its idea (and with the 1916 Sykes-Picot Treaty) of a French-speaking Northern part of the Middle East, so France threw Faysal I out of Damascus in 1920. The following year, in 1921, UK put this same Faysal I as King of Iraq, where he sat until 1933.

The fact that UK and France were embedded in their personal territorial disputes made it possible for the Ashkenazi Zionist Jewry to look around in the region for support for their cause. And they found it easily. Abd-al-Aziz Ibn Saud had managed in 1913 to annex Hasa, but his good fortune had stopped there. Nevertheless, with the renewed help of the new Alliance of Saudi wahabism and Ashkenzi Zionism, ibn Saud managed to conquer Hail in 1921, Mecca in 1924, Yeddah in 1924 and Asir in 1926. The fact of having one stable ally in the region, be it in the shadow, proved fundamental to both parties in the following ninety years.

Apart from that opportunistic military Alliance, there was something more fundamental that united them. They both wanted to rewrite history in a very similar way. Saudis wanted to control Mecca and impose their ultraorthodox view of Sunni Islam onto the rest of the Muslim world [which they did and keep to these days], and for that they didn’t want anyone nose-poking in those surroundings; and that played well into the Ashkenazi-Zionist goal of keeping the secret about Asir hidden for ever. The Ashkenazi-Zionist intellectuals wanted the world to believe that the Torah or Pentateuch had taken place in Palestine, and so had the Nabih, and so had the Ketubim (that is the three parts, TNK, which compose what we call in the West the Old Testament). Someone wrote about that secret of Asir in the 1980s, thus forcing Ashkenazi and wahabis to shift their strategy. But we’ll touch upon that later.

3. The creation of the State of Israel and the five subsequent Arab-Israeli wars

Although the aliyahs and the subsequent Jewish terrorism in Arab land continued, it wasn’t until the aftermath of the Second World War (WWII), when the feeling of guilt experienced by the international community at the atrocities of the Holocaust (with over six million Jews and three million Gypsies killed, according to the official figures reported so far), made it possible, not to create a homeland for the Gypsies (they have never had money nor power, so no chance of succeeding), but yes a homeland for the Jews. And not on German soil, which would have been the logical reaction, as it was Germany the power that had killed them, but on a territory five thousand kilometres away, and a territory from which the Ashkenazis had been expelled nearly two thousand years before that (the Sephardic Jews had returned to that whole Arabic region in the XV century, after Spanish monarchs, blinded by the ultraorthodox Catholicism of Inquisition, had expelled them from Iberia).

Thus, after WWII, that feeling of world atonement led to the creation of the State of Israel on 10 May 1948. And to demonstrate that the operation’s Course Of Action (COA, as the military put it) had been very, but very well planned in advance, just one irrefutable piece of information (population census and toponymy hardly ever lie): at the beginning of the XX century in Palestine there were 10 Palestinians for 1 Jew. Through the subsequent aliyahs, that proportion had risen to 2 Palestinians for 1 Jew even before the international community had accepted the creation of Israel.

The creation of the State of Israel triggered the First Arab-Israeli war of 1948 and 1949, after which Gaza remained under Egyptian control and West bank under Jordanian control. Let’s not forget that at that time, 1948 and 1949, Egypt was ruled by another monarch, Faruk I, which had been put by the UK in 1936 (a colonial power, UK, which had occupied Egypt since 1882); and Jordan was ruled by King Abdallah, who had been put in place in 1922 by the UK. So, the guarantor of Zionist Ashkenzi Jewry continued to be the UK and its “Balfour Declaration”, through the monarchs under its influence.

1948 was and continues to be for the Palestinians the Naqba, the Great Catastrophe, where the massive exodus of Palestinians started. King Abdallah of Jordan paid a high personal toll for that, having, in my opinion, contributed behind the scenes to a premeditated plan of helping the UK fulfil Zionist dreams: Abdallah was assassinated in 1949. And his successor, King Hussein had to suppress harshly the Palestinians, lest he was thrown out of power.

The wahabi-Zionist plan started to fail when the first pan-arabist Arab President took power in Egypt: Gamal Abd al Nasser. In 1956, when Nasser dared challenge the colonial powers and he nationalized the Suez Canal, the Second Arab-Israeli war took place. Some commentators recall these days here in the UK the days of Suez, and compare the stubbornness of France and the UK at the time with what is happening now in Libya. After the Suez debacle, Israel realized it needed a new Godfather, and turned its eyes towards the USA.

The 50s and the 60s were years of freedom in many Arab countries, but especially in Egypt and Syria. It was the years of the so called second Arab revolution (after the short lived 1916 first Arab revolution), where women started to be free at last, had no need to use shador or hijab, and could start living normal and decent lives.

In 1966 King Hussein of Jordan appointed a Prime Minister who had close links with Saudi Arabia. I am of the opinion that this appointment was also the beginning of the end of the second Arab revolution. Wahabism had and has never wanted the freedom of the Arab world and the Arab women, as it is an elitist chauvinist dictatorial regime, that controls Mecca after conquering it by sheer force; and that wants to keep Asir closed to the world. So, after the Wahabi-Zionist Alliance in the 1920s, the wahabis and the Zionists formed another Alliance in the mid-60s to combat the Arab revolutions, obviously from the shadow. Thus, in my opinion, Egypt and Syria embarked in 1967 in the Third Arab-Israeli war, misguided by Saudi manipulation of Jordania. Israel [with the overwhelming military superiority inherited from the USA unconditional military support] crashed its rivals in only six days (from 5th to 11th June 1967) and it occupied the whole of the Sinai desert, Gaza and Westbank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalen. The Ashkenazi Zionist dream of a big “Judenstaat” as Herzl put it at the end of the XIX century, with the whole of Jerusalen only and solely under Jewish control, became a reasonable prospect. Be it by force. And although United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 242 asked Israel to leave those territories occupied by force (and tens of UNSC resolutions have restated the same demand since then), Palestinians had no Godfathers, Israel did, so no one ever used force against Israel (unlike the West has done ever since with many other countries) to make them abandon by force what they took by force.

And after that war, the Wahabist-Zionist Alliance managed, obviously behind the scenes again, to “restore law and order in the Arab world”. They were behind the turning of the tide in Egypt and Syria. In Egypt they put a friend in power, Anuar al Sadat, in 1970, who like Mubarak since 1981 until 11 February 2011, played well the role he had been assigned to play. In Syria, they helped a military from a minority Shi’ite group, an Alauite, to grab power also in 1970: Hafed al Assad. Israel unfailingly won the Fourth Arab-Israeli war in 1973, and did so quickly, with its unmatched military superiority.

Once all Arab neighbours had been domesticated in the shadow through proxy dictators, Israel had free hands to concentrate in eliminating the remains of the Palestinian revolt. In 1982, Israel invaded completely Lebanon, in what has been called, the Fifth Arab-Israeli war, with the pretext of eliminating the dangerous Palestinians from the camps; and Israel committed the massacres of Sabra and Shatila. Again with utter impunity.

4. Asir vs Jerusalem

In 1982, the same year Israel invaded Lebanon, a Lebanese University professor, Kamal Salibi, now in his eighties, had published in German a book, whose title in English is “The Bible Came from Arabia” [and has since then been translated into English and can be easily (but expensive) bought at SOAS or over the internet], where he revealed the results of the toponymic studies (studies of name places) he had done on the towns and villages of the region of Asir (a region that lies between the mountain range that traverses Central Saudi Arabia and the Red Sea coast line). The maps he had used were very detailed high scale maps drawn prior to 1975. When he first read and analyzed the maps of Asir, by sheer serendipity (and art that even Einstein acknowledged having used in his discoveries), he started reading the names and seeing that they coincided nearly 99% with all the place names found in the TNH or Old Testament. And Salibi describes in his book a very accurate account (using toponymy and etymology) of the history of the Forefathers of the Jews. Nearly all the name places contained in the Old Testament still existed in Asir with very similar names in 1982. Salibi even  found the place called “Misr” in Asir, where the ancient Jews were crossing a river, and which Zionist manipulation has wanted to make us believe it was the Jews crossing the Red Sea into Egypt, a Zionist version that has never been found in the Pharaonic records and steles by any archaeologist.

Thereafter the machine of Jewish propaganda (which is in no way inferior to many others in the past and present world) started to function fully-fledged, to counteract and discredit the unveiling of the best kept Zionist-wahabi secret. In April 1987, Gerhard Konzelman published also in German his “Jerusalem, 4000 Jahre Kampf um eine heilige Stadt” (which translated into English means “Jerusalem, 4000 years of war for a holy city”). Personally, I have read both books, and I believe more the Salibi theses, that is: that the Jews emigrated from Asir to Palestine in the second century before Christ; that they settled there; and that when the Romans came they were already there. But the toponymy doesn’t lie, and Palestine was even in Roman times a name from an Arab tribe that lived in that area, no trace of ancient Jewry there. But to convince the world that Herzl’s Zionist Manipulative Dream needed to come true, as I said, not in Germany, but in Palestine, Zionists couldn’t say they had only been there for three hundred years before they were expelled by the Romans in 70 a.D. That wouldn’t have been convincing enough. Thus the need for a Zionist-wahabi change of strategy in the 1980s to continue keeping Asir and its toponymy out of the way: start doing as if the Israelis wanted peace and negotiated with the Palestinians.
 5. The Palestinian and the Sephardic Dramas

Although Palestinian leadership abjured its principles; renounced armed struggle; and chose the peaceful path in November 1988, 22 years have elapsed and no signs of a true Palestinian State can be seen in the horizon.

The toppling of Hosni Mubarak, one of the many Zionist-wahabi proxies in the region, has pushed the Palestinians in power (not the democratically elected ones in 2006, Hamas, but the losers in those elections, Fatah, kept in power by the Zionist lobbies in the West) to rush to Cairo to seek an agreement with Hamas. The Saudis had spent too many years trying to make us believe they were tailoring an agreement between Palestinians, but like in “Alf Leila ua Leila” (“One Thousand and One Nights”), the agreement never came. Now if the second Wahbi-Zionist proxy, Asad, falls, another arm of the Palestinians may be free at last to rejoin the game. And maybe also Lebanese Palestinians will be able to join. Although for them it is more difficult: irrespective of UNSC Resolution 1701, Israel continues to overfly illegally and daily Lebanon.

However, the Ashkenazis are not only arrogant and disdainful towards Palestinians or Arab Israelis, they also exert similar attitude towards the other half of the Jewish puzzle in historical terms: the Sephardic Jews. The Sephardic Jews had been welcomed by Balkan and Arab countries after the XV century, and had learnt the art of coexistence. Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar could achieve peace between Israel and Palestine in one week. Sephardic Jews carry coexistence in their blood. The end-game of a Peace Settlement is well know to all. Anyone working on the dossier knows it. The 2001 Taba parameters contain it all, but unless there is true political will nothing will move. Shuttle diplomacy will continue moving the machineries of the press (newspapers need to sell every day), but nothing will shift. And we can stay like this forever and ever. Only if the omnipotent and omnipresent Ashkenazi Zionist ballast would let the Sephardic Jews give it a try! But no, Zionist Ashkenazis, the ones that have had the upper hand in Israel since its inception, carry only arrogance. And that is because of the rules of the game. And unless we change the rules of the game peace will never be a reality in the Middle East.

6. The Rules of the Game in the World Today: Double Standards, Manipulation of Information, State Terrorism

Peace won’t be made in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine until we change the present rules of the game. It can’t and it won’t be made as long as the rules of the game are directed, like in a heavenly orchestra, by Double Standards.

Israel can be a democracy inside its borders, and can have its eighth President, Moshe Katsav, convicted on 30 December 2010 of seven charges of rape, sexual harassment and obstruction of law. If the Saudi gay prince that killed his black lover in a lift of a luxurious London hotel had been in Riyadh, he could have killed him with full impunity, but as it took place in a democratic country, he was convicted in the UK on 5 October 2010. True democracies fight impunity inside their borders, and so does Israel, the sole country until present that did it in the Middle East.

The problem is not Israel not being democratic inside, the problem is the international system in which Israel and all of the rest of us are embedded. Democracy and rule of law are absolutely necessary inside of the borders of a country, and extreme respect for international law is absolutely necessary as the sole guide for relations among countries and among international organizations.

As long as the international system continues to apply Double Standards and the Law of the Jungle as its international currency, no hope for a way forward can be envisaged, neither in relation to the MEPP (Middel East Peace Process), nor in relation to many other pending international dramas.

What do I mean exactly by Double Standards? That friends are friends (an thus they are not obliged to apply international law), until there is a change in the tide of vested interests. Let me give only two regional examples of what I mean by that and which are connected to our Zionist-wahabi ballasts: (1) in February 1979 the son of a USA proxy ex-military self-named Sha was toppled in Iran and an ayatolahi Iran, untraorthodox Shi’ia, became the biggest enemy of Saudi untraorthodox Sunni wahabism; thereafter in July 1979, the West helped Sadam Hussein reach power in Iraq and start fighting the Iranian opponent; (2) in April 1978 Nur Mohamed Taraki gained power in Afghanistan and started for the first time free public education that included women, land reform, separation of State and Religion, establishment of a minimum salary, prohibition of opium trade and legalization of trade unions; he was thrown out of power with the support of USA and Pakistan; then [Cold War still] Soviet Union sent its troops in after 27 December 1979; USA started supporting the rebel groups, through wahabis like Osama bin Laden who were channelling wahabi yihadist fighters from all around the Arab world into Afghanistan. Lets see the same scenarios after a change in the tide: (1) when Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990 he became an enemy of Saudi wahabism [as the Gulf states are all Saudi proxys, as Saudi Arabia has shown to the world by sending its troops into Bahrain to suppress peaceful demonstrations in March and April 2011]; Kuwait was freed and a no fly zone established over Iraq; but Sadam clinched to power until USA violating international law, started a unilateral war on Iraq, which allowed capturing and later killing Sadam Hussein; and thousands more have died ever since in Iraq; (2) Osama bin Laden had been CIA’s best asset in Afghanistan for two decades until the tide turned and wahabists took off the mask (they had been trying to study their worst enemy, USA, for 20 years and gain its confidence) and started blowing one after the other: 1998 USA Embassies in Africa, 2001 9/11, 2004 Madrid bombings, 2006 London Bombings; Saudis stopped officially supporting its mad wahabi branch and USA started a War on Afghanistan in October 2001, less than a month after 9/11; a war whose culmination was on 1 May 2011, when USA special troops violated again international law, went into Pakistan without Pakistani Government permission, attacked a compound in Abalabad, and in the usual unilateral fashion, killed bin Laden. USA first supported Sadam Hussein, then started a war to kill him; and idem with Osama bin Laden.

With such unilateral behaviour by USA, whenever United Nations’ rules don’t suit them; and with a UNSC that still only represents the power balance which the world had at the end of WWII (and thus the winners of WWII –the Permanent 5, the P5- still have veto power at the UNSC), the world will not advance.

Why does the West apply UNSC Resolution 1973 against Libya, and hasn’t shown half of the stamina with UNSC 242 against Israel? Why the Zionist ballast has continued behaving as if international law didn’t exist for Israel, and Israel: (1) overflies daily Lebanon against UNSC Resolution 1701; (2) is the only state in the world which has nuclear weapons (with the excuse that they have a very particular regional situation); hasn’t signed the NPT (Non-proliferation Treaty); and suffers no harassment by the IAEA in Vienna; (3) can kill their enemies in third countries’ soil without any UNSC condemnation (for example a Hamas leader in Dubai in January 2010 using over 10 European forged passports); (4) can bomb the biggest open-air prison in the world, Gaza strip, and cause 1400 civilian casualties in January 2009 against 13 Israeli militaries, and no UNSC condemnation; (5) can continue building settlements on Palestinian soil, without UNSC Resolutions stopping it (again Godfather USA vetoed the last attempt on 18 February 2011). Shall I continue? It’s enough. Until we acknowledge that the Palestinians were not Hitler; didn’t cause any harm to the Jews; but have only been suffering non stop for over sixty years; nothing will be redressed.

7. I have a Dream: the Rules of the Game needed in the World: Rule of Law inside the countries and full compliance with International Law among countries

And Israel only plays, in a regional and more modest way, with the same unilateral rules as his Godfather USA does. And so do the Saudis. And as long as the West (USA unilateralism and UNSC P5) has vested interests of geo-strategic nature and continues supporting adamantly the contrary-to-rule-of-law Saudi dictatorship and the non-compliant-with-international-law Israeli democracy: (1) the MEPP (Middle East Peace Process) won’t shift even by an inch; (2) the Zionist-Wahabi grasp on the Middle East dictators (obviously behind the scenes, as officially they kept on playing well their roles, as when they issued the 2002 Beirut Arab Peace Initiative) will continue to be a fact on the ground; (3) and as long as it all continues to be solely based on double-standards, it will continue to nurture the dynamics of hatred in the region.

And as Martin Luther King put it on 28th August 1968 when he expressed his dream for equality and non discrimination, I say, as a long serving diplomat, that my dream is to see one day United Nation becoming a truly democratic institution of world governance. Until that dream comes true, USA and P5 unilateralism will continue to be the decisive ruling force in the world. And only the day when the West acknowledges that, maybe not in the short run, but definitely in the long run, we will all be much better off in a world governed solely by a democratic United Nations and thus governed solely by international law; until the West realizes that, we will continue to feed the machinery of double standards, manipulation of information, state and non-state terrorism, hatred and resentments.

Let’s seize the historic opportunity that has arisen now through this third Arab revolution that has toppled some of the Zionist-wahabi regional proxys, Mubarak and Ben Ali, and: (0) let’s start preaching by example in the West and let’s start complying fully with international law; and lets start enhancing the two basic building blocks: (1) forcing the democratisation of Saudi Arabia; and (2) forcing the compliance of Israel with international law.

Please visit my webpage: http://www.mongonzalez.es/

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